PTSA Programs
These are the different annual events and programs managed and sponsored by the PTSA. If you have any questions about any of them, please reach out to the PTSA Vice President of Programs or directly to the Chair of the special committee or program listed below:
Senior Graduation Party
Each year a committed group of volunteers join forces to give the senior class a fun, safe way to celebrate graduation at the All Night Grad Party (ANGP). A very exciting way to impact the graduating class. The committee raises funds through community sales, corporate sponsorships, and other activities. Information about ANGP can be found here.
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
Ethics Day
The McLean High School PTSA funds and volunteer hours makes Ethics Day possible each year. This program is designed to provide students in all grades with basic tools of thoughtful, ethical decision making as they navigate adolescence and approach young adulthood.
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
Health and Wellness
Students, Teachers and Parents benefit from the Health and Wellness programming designed to support the physical and emotional well-being of the community. The McLean High School PTSA has supported yoga, mindfulness training, suggested reading or facilitated discussions on topics of interest to parents of adolescents.
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
Highlander Appreciation Week
Organize annual MHS Staff Appreciation Week in collaboration with the student leadership to recognize teachers, administrators, administrative assistants, counselors, librarians, custodians, and bus drivers. (1st Week of May).
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
McLean Matters
Mclean Matters is a committee that is part of the PTSA that supports the Students-in-Need at McLean High School. Approximately 300 students at Mclean High School are at or below the poverty level, about 10% of the student body. The committee works with the counselors and administrators to provide free donated school supplies, backpacks, calculators, grocery gift cards and financial support anonymously to the students throughout the year.
If you are interested in supporting this important initiative, please contact the current chairperson Emma Blankenbaker at [email protected].
PTSA Hospitality Committee Programs
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for planning, gathering, and presenting various hospitality events throughout the year. The committee ensures that the teachers and staff at McLean High School know just how much we appreciate their dedication to our students.
They help to foster and promote a friendly, welcoming, and caring environment for our staff and volunteers through:
· Back to School Teacher and Staff Luncheon
· Highlander Appreciation Week in May
· Teacher, Librarian, Administrative Professional, Custodian Celebrations
Parents and volunteers are asked to assist with the donation of food items, monetary donations and helping hands. Those who donate or help are listed in a special thank you message to our staff.
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
Parent Coffees
The McLean High School PTSA hosts parent coffees throughout the years of topics of interest to parents. Collaborate with the Student Services department to increase parent engagement. Parent liaison at each grade level, gather questions prior to the event and may invite outside speakers with special expertise and experience to share it with the McLean High School community.
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
Reflections Arts Contest
Membership in the Virginia PTA provides the opportunity to participate in the National PTA Reflections Arts Contest. This competition encourages students to explore the arts and express themselves by providing positive recognition for their artistic efforts. Since it was founded in 1969 by Mary Lou Anderson, millions of students have benefited from this program.
Students in Pre-K through grade 12, and a special artist division are invited to create theme-based artwork in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, or visual arts.
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
PTSA Teacher Grant Program
McLean students benefit daily from the classroom supplies, leadership programs and after school clubs and activities funded by the McLean High School PTSA Teacher Grant Program. Grants have funded classroom equipment, teacher supplies and other curriculum enhancing materials that directly benefit students.
If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, please contact the PTSA Vice President of Programs for more information.
Community PTSA Liaisons
Safe Community Coalition (SCC)
The Safe Community Coalition (SCC) founded in 1995, is an exclusively volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a safe, healthy, drug- and alcohol-free environment for our youth. They aim to support the development of responsible decision-making skills, so that our youth will make healthy choices in life.
The PTSA President represents McLean High School in SCC meetings and collaborates with the organization to sponsor programs for youth, parents, and the community that will be advertised in the eNews.
If you are interested in learning more about the SCC, visit their website.