Join the McLean High School PTSA today and play an active role in your child’s education! Your $30 parent membership will help us continue to contribute to the school community. As a family member, you have special opportunities to engage in the school community, have a voice in the school advocacy, and be included as a member of the Fairfax County Council, Northern Virginia District, Virginia and National PTAs.
We request you to consider making a tax free donation in addition to your $30 membership. This is our only annual fundraiser. Your contribution will help promote student welfare, enrich classroom environment, support extracurricular activities, encourage social and emotional well-being, and much more. The suggested donation is $120 per student but we welcome any and all contributions.
Students have a unique opportunity to engage and be part of the PTSA at a low cost of $5.
Please use the AtoZConnect button below and the instructions below it to verify your directory information, pay membership dues and contribute to the Direct Donation Fundraiser.

If you are a Returning MHS family or a Freshman family from Longfellow Middle School:
- You will receive an email from the PTSA Directory Chair with the AtoZConnect Login information. Click on the Auto Login Link in the email to log into AtoZConnect to verify your directory information, pay for the membership dues, and make a direct donation,
- Click the AtoZConnect Login button above to log into AtoZConnect account.
- Click here if you need further instructions.
If you are a New MHS family and not from Longfellow Middle School:
- Click the AtoZConnect Login button above.
- Follow the instructions here to create an AtoZConnect Login account.
Thank you for your Support!
Questions or Need Help – Ask our Membership chair
Your donation and membership dues support: